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I'm new to TTRBGs, a sales clerk from a games store recommended GSTR for a beginner. I have the zine and the character sheet downloads but is there a storyline I follow or do I make one up?

Welcome to the hobby!

If you have the zine edition of the game, turn to the section called "GM materials," starting on page 24. That should give you a pretty good overview of how running the game works. In brief, as the GM you'll be creating a story at the table, using the framework and inspiration provided by GSTR—and, of course, drawing on your fellow players contributions too!

If you want to see some examples, I recommend checking out this Youtube playlist of recorded sessions of the game:

That helps a lot. Thank you so much!

Reading through it looks like an incredibly fun game! I've had issues with players moving stats too easily before, and I think this version addresses it, in a really fun environment

Excellent! Thanks for reading, and send us any thoughts you have if you get it to the table!

Congrats on the award nomination!